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Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma (Tamaka Shwasa)

Breath Healthy With Ayurveda

asthma treatment

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a disorder of the lungs, in which an individual’s airways become inflamed, narrow, swelled, and produce extra mucus, which makes breathing difficult. According to Ayurveda, Asthma is termed"Swasa Roga.”It is a respiratory disorder caused by an imbalance of the Vata dosha (air element) and Kapha dosha (water and earth element) in the body.Asthma is caused by the accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the body, which disrupts the balance of the doshas and blocks the flow of prana (life force) in the respiratory system. Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma plays a vital role in the healing process of asthma. ‘Pranavaha Sroto Vikara’ is the term used for asthma in Ayurvedic text that causes regular breathing difficulties.

Types of Asthma

These are the main types of Asthma. Moreover, the Treatment of Asthma in Ayurveda has amazing healing power.

Causes of Asthma

Here are the causes of asthma, which are as follows:

Poor digestion is one of the primary causes of asthma. It leads to the formation of toxins (ama) in the body, which, ultimately aggravates the Kapha Dosha and leads to asthma.
Foods that are cold, heavy, and oily, like dairy products, fried foods, and ice cream, can aggravate the Kapha Dosha which leads to difficulty in breathing.
Allergens in the atmosphere such as dust, pollen, and animal dander, can aggravate the Kapha Dosha.
It is also an important factor that can lead to anxiety and it is hazardous for health.
Lack of exercise and improper irregular sleeping patterns and consumption of alcohol, smoking, and other drugs, can contribute to the development of asthma.

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Asthma Symptoms

What are symptoms of Asthma

  • The main symptoms of asthma in adults is difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. The individual feels as if his chest is tight, and he is unable to take deep breaths.
  • Wheezing is a whistling sound that is heard when an individual exhales. It is caused by the narrowing of the airways.
  • A persistent cough that worsens at night is one of the symptoms of asthma. The cough might be dry or with phlegm.
  • An individual can feel a tightness or pressure in the chest, making it difficult to breathe.
  • Asthma can cause fatigue and weakness due to the increased effort required to breathe.
  • Asthma attacks can cause anxiety and restlessness in an individual, making it difficult for them to stay calm.
  • Ayurvedic Treatment For Asthma

    Ayurvedic treatment for asthma strengthens the lungs. Ayurvedic herbs have miraculous power to heal the symptoms of Asthma with ease.

  • Panchakarma Therapy: Panchakarma therapies that can be useful in managing and healing asthma are Vamana(Vomiting procedure), Virechana (purgation therapy), Nasya (Administration of medicated oils through the nose), Abhyanga (Massage of the body), Swedana (Herbal fomentation).
  • Natural herbs: Ayurvedic treatment for asthma use natural herbs, and medicated oils, to manage the symptoms of asthma.
  • Lifestyle changes: Dietary regimes and lifestyle changes, such as yoga and meditation, and Pranayama(breathing exercises), can improve the overall health and well-being of the person. These lifestyle changes can also help in reducing stress, which is a common flare-up of asthma.
  • Holistic approach: Ayurveda follows the holistic approach that focuses on balancing the body, mind, and soul, and helps reduce the frequency and severity of asthmatic attacks.
  • Stops recurrence: Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause of the disease, which can provide long-term benefits as well as stops the recurrence of asthma.
  • Significantly, Ayurveda has the treasure of natural herbs, yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises (Pranayama), to manage and prevent the recurrence of asthma symptoms.

    Patient Testimonial

    Kind Words of Asthma Patients -Dr. Sharda Ayurveda


    Ayurvedic treatment for asthma aims to treat the root cause of the disease and prevent the recurrence of asthma attacks. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, changes in diet, and exercise regularly for the permanent cure of Asthma. Additionally, consulting an Ayurvedic expert practitioner will eventually help in getting rid of Asthma permanently.
    You can make a decoction (Kadha) of Ginger, Basil, Cloves, and Cinnamon and consume it lukewarmly twice a day.
  • Honey tea: Honey tea can be made by mixing about 2 teaspoons of honey with warm water or tea.
  • Saltwater gargles: Saltwater helps in reducing mucus and phlegm from your throat.
  • Steam inhalation: Steam helps in clearing mucus or phlegm from the nasal passage and out of your lungs.
  • There are several reasons that lead to asthma. It is usually caused by a mixture of hereditary factors i.e.- inherit from birth and some environmental factors. Certain allergens from houses, dust, mites, and pets are the common causes. Other allergens, such as pollen can also cause Asthma.
    Alcoholic drinks containing higher amounts of histamine and sulfites should be avoided at a high priority. Apart from this, beverages like coffee and tea should also be avoided.
    The most useful breathing exercises (Pranayama) are as follows: Nadi Shodhana, which is also known as Anuloma Viloma. It clears up the blocked energy channels in your body and helps it heal. In addition, Bhastrika pranayama is done with Kapal Bhati to cleanse the airways of the body. These three breathing exercises are best for the patients who are suffering from asthma.
    Drinking warm drinks gives benefits for conditions like Asthma. Such as drinking herbal tea or decoction (Kadha) made up of herbs such as ginger, licorice, and basil has soothing properties and can promote respiratory health.
    Cold juices, cold drinks, and cold shakes should be excluded from the diet as they can aggravate the symptoms of Asthma.
    Yes, to some people, asthma triggers more in cold weather conditions due to seasonal changes. For such patients, it is mandatory to carry your medicines with you, especially in changing weather and environmental conditions.
    An asthma attack can last for several continuous hours if not treated timely. Acute asthma attacks last for a few minutes but a chronic attack takes several hours and proper medication is required. Medical treatment is mandatory in the case of shortness of breath.
    Asthma can cause hazardous damage to your lungs if not treated early and in the right way. The finest Ayurvedic treatment for Asthma can protect you timely and early. The inflammation in the airways can cause damage to the bronchial tubes and the lungs over time, leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Repeated episodes of asthma attacks can cause scarring and thickening of the airway walls, which can permanently reduce the airway diameter and obstruct the airflow. This condition is known as airway remodeling, and it can lead to irreversible damage to the lungs.

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