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Hip Joint Pain Ayurvedic Treatment

The hip joint is a very stable and strong joint of the body and pain in the hip joint occurs due to different pathology developed in the body. It can be due to the wear and tear of soft tissues. It is also known as the ball and socket joint that performs different types of movement of legs and allows the fluid to move in a joint. It is called so because the top of the thigh bone is shaped like a ball. This joint supports legs and upper body parts. The hip joint is held together by a covering of muscle which is known as tendons. These muscles and tendons form a capsule around the joint and support movements, inside the capsule there is synovium which lubricates the joints and keeps cartilage healthy. .....

Any problem to muscles cartilage, bone, ligaments disease leads to hip joint pain. Cartilage with age, wear and tear causes difficulty and pain in walking. According to Ayurveda hip, joint pain is caused due to increase in Vata in the body. It is common in both sex, but more common in women. Hip joint pain Ayurvedic treatment has the most effective and sure life-long results.

Causes of Hip Joint Pain

Like osteoarthritis, there is inflammation of the hip joint and breakdown of cartilage that cushions your hip bones.
Due to fall or with age bones become brittle, weak that leads to fracture of hip easily.
As we grow older degeneration occurs in joints this degeneration change can cause hip joint pain.
Inflammation of tendons that causes pain in muscles or tendons during movement.
If the person suffering from hip pain is obese, the weight and stress are more on the affected joint, and over activity thus gets affected.

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hip joint pain symptoms

Symptoms of Hip Joint Pain

2.pngPain in Hip Joint

Discomfort or pain in the thigh, inside hip joint, groin, outside of hip joint, buttocks is felt.

2.pngDifficulty in Sleeping

Difficulty sleeping on the hip due to increased pain.

2.pngWarmth over Hip

Warmness in joints due to any infection.

2.pngLoss of Motion of Hip

It is the reduced or restricted movement of the hip joint.


Tenderness of the hip in which the patient is unable to walk properly.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment for Hip Joint Pain

3.png According to Ayurveda, hip pain can be a symptom of Kati shool, caused by vitiation of Vata dosha.

3.png To treat hip pain patient is advised to avoid strenuous activities and massage of lower back and lower limb

3.png A person should correct their poor posture and should avoid prolonged standing, kneeling, and squatting.

3.png It is advised to take 1 string of garlic daily empty stomach

3.png Ayurvedic medicines help to cure the physical as well as a mental state of an Individual to maintain the wellness of mind, body, and soul.


In hip joint pain you will be unable to move your leg or hip, unable to bear the weight of the affected leg, you may have fever due to an infection on the affected part.
Walking is good for hip pain but it should be slow. Running and jumping are strictly avoided in hip pain
Sleeping on the affected side will hurt the hip joint because it will put pressure on the affected part due to which pain increases and the patient is unable to sleep.
Hip arthritis is affected by inflammatory arthritis which is painful and stiff. Pain is worse in the morning or after sitting or resting for a while
Exercise is advised daily to strengthen the hip muscles, you can do knee lift, external hip rotation, and lower backstretch. Exercise is itself a treatment for hip joint pain
Processed food like chips, baked goods, fast food, omega 6 fatty acids are strictly avoided in hip joint pain.
The most common risk of hip replacement is 4clot and infection. A clot that mostly occurs is called DVT (deep vein thrombosis) 1in which a blood clot develops in a vein deep within the body.
Ayurveda provides the most effective treatment for healing the whole body suffering from joint pain. By changing dietary habits, lifestyle modifications, yoga any joint disease can be cured. Ayurvedic medicine for hip joint pain works wonders without any surgery.
Red meat, high-fat dairy and cheese, salt, sugary Sweetened beverage, fried and canned food.
Lie down on your back and bring your legs up then using a strap or band, keep one leg straight up while slowly lowering the other to the floor. Repeat 5 times on each leg once a day in the morning.

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